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Third-Party Event Fundraising Policy and Guidelines

Thank you for volunteering to support Asian American health and raising funds for AACHI’s Community Health Navigator program! We are very grateful for your dedication to making a difference in our community. Your help is truly appreciated. By taking on a third-party event, one assumes the responsibility of creating a successful, third-party event without a significant level of assistance from AACHI.  

Any organization or individual (outside of AACHI, including personal fundraisers by the Board of Directors) that hosts an event, promotion, sale or donation drive on behalf of AACHI is defined in this document as a “third-party event.” If an organization or individual wishes to sponsor a special event or promotional campaign to benefit AACHI the following guidelines must be followed:

General Guidelines

  1. All event request submissions must be made at least 30 days prior to the third-party event date. AACHI will respond within 5 business days.
  2. Fundraisers which benefit AACHI must reflect positively on its mission. AACHI reserves the right to decline any third-party event proposal that is not in line with our vision and mission.
  3. The third-party event is responsible for all vendor agreements, contracts, insurance and necessary permits for the event, including liquor license if necessary. AACHI will not assume any legal or financial liability for a third-party event.
  4. AACHI must approve any co-beneficiaries prior to approval of the third-party event.
  5. Third-party events must be fully executed by the third-party individual and/or organization. AACHI staff is available to provide fundraising coaching and recommendations during your planning process to a limited degree depending on staff resources. However, due to limited staff resources, AACHI staff cannot plan or promote third-party fundraising events.

Financial Guidelines

  1. Third party fundraising events must be financially self-sustaining without contribution or financial risk from AACHI. AACHI will only accept the net proceeds from a third-party event. 
  2. All third-party event expenses are the responsibility of the third-party fundraiser and must be paid before the proceeds are given to AACHI. Refunds or reimbursements will not be available after the donation is made to AACHI.
  3. Third-party events must fully and truthfully state the portion of the proceeds which will be donated to AACHI in all advertising, promotions and in all contact with donors, sponsors and participants.

Marketing and Promotions Guidelines

  1. AACHI is not a sponsor of third-party fundraising events and should be listed as a “beneficiary” on all promotional materials.
  2. Third-party event fundraisers are authorized to use only the “Benefiting AACHI logo” which will be provided to you upon request.
  3. The third-party event is responsible for all marketing, including writing and distributing press releases, PSA’s, Facebook postings, invitations, ads, etc.
  4. All marketing materials and text about AACHI must first be approved by the Communications & Events Manager or the Executive Director of AACHI prior to being posted.
  5. Any conversations with the press regarding AACHI and the event must be approved by a AACHI representative first.

Charitable Giving Guidelines

  1. All donations received at or prior to the event are required to be given to AACHI within 30 business days of the event. Checks may be mailed to our office, donated online at aachi.org, or picked up in person by a AACHI staff member. 
  2. Donations made directly to a third-party event in support of AACHI cannot be used to cover the event’s expenses. 
  3. A donation solicited on behalf of AACHI is fully tax deductible only when it is made directly and entirely to AACHI, as we are the only agents who can verify that such a gift was made, and the nature of the gift, to the IRS. Donors wishing to receive a tax acknowledgment letter should provide their donation via check or online with a note recognizing the third-party event as the solicitor of the donation. All checks must be made out to AACHI.

Event-Day Guidelines

  1. AACHI retains the right to have at least one representative at the event.
  2. An AACHI email sign-up list is required to be displayed upon entering the event. Guests can choose whether or not to opt-into this list. This list will be emailed to you upon signing this policy.

Post-Event Guidelines

  1. The third-party event organizer is encouraged to send a brief overview of the event after it has occurred, including number of attendees, total revenue generated, a complete list of sponsors, and photos from the event. AACHI reserves the right to post about the event on its website and social media with this information.

For all approved third-party events, AACHI can:

  • Provide you with our “Benefiting AACHI logo” for your marketing materials
  • Provide sample template letters to solicit sponsorships and in-kind donors
  • Provide AACHI printed literature for distribution at your event
  • Provide written tax receipts to donors who make checks payable to AACHI
  • Attend the event to receive proceeds by a member of our staff, based on availability
  • AACHI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. You are authorized to share our public tax number when requested.

AACHI is unable to provide the following:

  • Insurance or liability coverage
  • Liquor license
  • Funding or reimbursement for your expenses
  • Mailing list of potential donors or vendors
  • Publicity (i.e. newspaper, radio, television, etc.).
  • Newsletter/social media posts about the fundraiser may be available on a case-by-case basis.

Each request will be considered individually. Generally, the following third-party events will not be approved:

  • Events/campaigns falling in close proximity to a AACHI event.
  • Events/campaigns that rely heavily on the use of AACHI staff and/or volunteers.
  • Events/campaigns which require AACHI to sell tickets, coupons, etc.
  • Events/campaigns that require significant attendance from AACHI staff and/or volunteers, or response from our mailing list, to generate the majority of revenue.
  • Benefits involving the sale of tickets or merchandise on the “remit or return” plan, or one that employs salespeople on a commission basis.
  • Ongoing campaigns which promise the public that a percentage of profits will go to AACHI unless documented and verifiable.

To contact AACHI about setting up your third-party event, please contact us at admin@aachi.org.

Guidelines revised and adapted from:

  • FACE Foundation’s Third Party Event Policy & Guidelines
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas’ Third Party Fundraising Guidelines

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