Our Work / CHW Financial Sustainability
Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Austin Public Health, this project is administered by Austin Asian Community Health Initiative.
Consultants: Dr. Wanda Thompson and Jacquie Shillis

General Approach
We will use the following approach to developing a sustainable financing model for CHWs for the Austin area:
Research and Planning
- Research existing materials
- Identify key stakeholders, healthcare experts, and content experts and collect/compile input from them
- Plan with client and key stakeholders (core group)
- Recruit workgroup leaders and members
- Convene workgroups at a kick-off meeting
- Facilitate a series of workgroup meetings to develop targeted strategies and recommendations
Coalition Building
- Convene workgroup members and other invited stakeholders to organize around action plans and chart next steps.
The process is designed to give participants the connections and tools they need to do a deep dive into opportunities for a given funding scenario, while also keeping a focus on the big picture and the intersections in the work through coordination with a core planning group with broad representation.